New Year’s Resolutions 2017

Well, as per tradition, it’s time to plan my New Year’s Resolutions 2017.

I’m a great believer in self-development, which is why I like to take this opportunity to look back on what I tried to achieve in the last year – and to see how far I got!  I think that setting clear, quantifiable targets and letting others know you’ve done so is a fantastic motivator for actually doing them.  But it’s by seeing how (or if…) I’ve achieved them that helps me see where I’d like to push myself next. Read More

Writing a Novel: The Finish Line

It’s been a while since my last blog post, and I’m sorry.  But I’m sure you’ll like what I’ve been up to: finishing a novel.

Back in March I talked about Writing a Novel: The Midway Point.  Midway wasn’t a bad estimate; I started After Life (yes, we have a title now) last November, and I finished the first draft on the last day of July.  Of course, writing a novel isn’t like competing in a race –  it’s like a triathlon, and there a few finish lines to make it through.  But first thing’s first: let me tell you all about finishing a novel.

Actually finishing a novel: the final push

Oh, it got hard towards the end.  Nine months is a long time to stick at anything, let alone writing one story.  My routine really helped here – the more I wrote, the more I came to know what my five thousand words a week translated to in terms of narrative.  I knew the end couldn’t be far away and I stuck with it, matching the increasing pace of the story with more and more writing.  By the end I was fitting in writing where I could; mornings, lunchtimes, evenings.  I was desperate to have it done.

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